
Webinar: Rethinking Anti-Corruption Efforts: Developing New Strategies to Tackle Corruption

14 Mar 2024, 00:00-14 Mar 2024, 00:00
Specialist Network
Economic Crimes and Asset Recovery Network Economic Crimes and Asset Recovery Network

Speaker:             Shamila Batohi, National Director of Public Prosecutions, South Africa
Facilitator:          Christopher Stone, Professor of Practice of Public Integrity, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Effective investigations and prosecutions are an essential element in the fight against corruption, but they will not stop corruption on their own. This webinar will explore why countries cannot simply prosecute their way out of corruption, and will propose strategies to deliver meaningful systemic impact in combination with prosecution. Those strategies should focus on external accountability, internal institutional reform, and the integration of law enforcement into wider anti-corruption strategies.

The webinar will reference some of the ongoing work and outputs from the Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption (“the Sessions”). The Sessions, which were initially convened in July 2022, comprise of a group of senior leaders of anti-corruption institutions, academics and expert journalists who work collaboratively to share experiences, debate the effectiveness of policy responses, and develop a new set of strategies for strengthening integrity in government institutions and dislodging entrenched corruption. More information on the Sessions can be found on their website - Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption
This webinar has a particular focus for those prosecutors who are involved in the policy-making processes within their organisations. However, it will also be of relevance and interest to all prosecutors who are engaged in the prosecution of corruption cases.

This one-hour webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided.  All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members.

This webinar is the first of two webinars on the theme of Rethinking Anti-Corruption Efforts. The second webinar will take place on Tuesday 30 April 2024. More details will be circulated shortly in relation to the speakers and sub-themes for the second webinar.

For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at epm@iap-association.org

We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!