
Visit by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Moldova

The IAP Secretariat were delighted to welcome a delegation from Moldova to the IAP offices in the Hague on 09 April 2024.  The delegation, which comprised of twelve prosecutors from the Prosecutor General’s Office and district prosecution offices, along with officers from the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, were visiting The Hague for a week as part of a ‘Model Prosecution Office Study Tour’ as part of the ABA’s Supporting Criminal Justice Reform and Strengthening Anticorruption Efforts Program in Moldova.  

The overall objective of the program is to support the continued development of Moldova’s criminal justice system and actors, and to strengthen targeted anti-corruption efforts.

As well as the IAP, the delegation visited the Office of the Prosecutor General, the National Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rotterdam, Eurojust, the regional EPPO office and the ICC.

During the meeting at the Secretariat, a presentation was given to the delegation about the IAP, including our objectives and professional work programme.  There was an engaging discussion with the delegates about the various workstreams of the IAP, and the benefits of building personal networks to progress international cooperation.  

The IAP Secretariat would like to thank our colleagues from Moldova for taking the time to visit us whilst in The Hague, and we hope to meet many of them again at future IAP conferences.